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Voice Over Education

The VO Newcomer Playbook

There’s no more secret to approaching VO for the first time than there is ANY freelance “gig” profession.
It boils down to one word.

No SEO Will Survive THIS Search Method

Just when you think you might be gaining ground in the holy grail of search optimization, along comes a method for finding voice actors from way out in left field.

VO Coaching Conundrums

Apparently, a lot of people want to coach voice acting these days. But why?…and who? When does a voice talent become a voice coach…and where are the rules & regs? A few observations within…

World Voices #WoVochat

VO Business & Compensation

Voice Over Education

Creative VO Prospecting

Yesterday, I was reading through my Google Alerts, and came across a Craigslist ad placed by a seasoned VO pro.  I've re-printed most of it for you to see below the line-break.  The ad came complete with a graphic, phone #, website address, a map to his major U-S city...

Clearing Out the Crud

When your speaking apparatus is gunked-up... you can't keep up your VO commitments so well. And Boy Howdy, this is the season for gunking! How many times have I seen anguished posts on social media groups begging anyone for quick-fix solutions that will allow the...

Starting Out

Launching into the world of voice acting is a steep challenge.  There are no manuals, but plenty of "opportunities".  The opportunities range from legitimate offers of help to outright predation, and everything in between...including the costs involved. As you would...

Qualified to be a VO Coach?

The estimate that only 5% of voice actors are truly supporting themselves and their families with strictly voiceover work is probably close to correct. (remember, 47.93% of all numbers quoted online are made-up). Whatever the number (almost impossible to discern),...

My Monday Night Visitor

What day of the week would you say comes with the highest concentration of VO audition requests? Uh-huh.  Monday. Now, let me explain that my prime daypart for recording auditions is midnight to 3am.  Lately I've also adding 11am - 1pm after I rise, for doing...

Your Homework Assignment for Tonight

Your Homework Assignment for Tonight

Does anybody watch TV without the DVR running in the background any more?  Either way, your homework assignment for tonight is to play back pay a prime-time or prime-time access program and pay special attention to the commercials. Right.  The thing that we all...

Lookin’ For a Reason To Come To Vegas?

Lookin’ For a Reason To Come To Vegas?

...like you really needed one, right? Well, September 10th-11th is apparently a very popular VO weekend in Las Vegas. Two coveted voice acting coaches will be here for weekend workshops. #1.  Pat Fraley Pat is hands-down one of the top VO coaches...he could do this on...

VO Email Marketing

VO Email Marketing

Your email signature bookends your salutation.  Both are perfunctory, and yet pertinent. As overlooked as the signature can be...don't you always notice when it's missing?...or minimal...or overdone? The email signature for a voice-actor is part marketing, part...

3 Warnings About Blog Titles With Numbers in Them

3 Warnings About Blog Titles With Numbers in Them

Why?  Because it’s a manipulative device to get you to read it!  That’s the #1 reason.  You don’t want to be manipulated do you?  Virtually every last blog about and for bloggers mentions this magic formula.  I’m sure there’s some psychological reason behind it…so let...

Voice Over Hardware & Software tools

Pipe or Microphone?

Pipe or Microphone?

Scope Labs in Finland has come up with a humdinger of a design coup for a microphone. Does it really work well?

The Ultimate Podcasting Reference

The Ultimate Podcasting Reference

There are a lot of reasons people Podcast, but probably the biggest, is that it WORKS!  It works especially well as a marketing tool...or in today's parlance: a content marketing tool.  In the process -- much like blogging -- you learn a lot, and you earn a lot of...

Ah, the Mic.  The Mighty Mic!

Ah, the Mic. The Mighty Mic!

The mic is a voice talent’s axe.. While we can’t escape its necessity, there’s no reason to let it overburden us either.

Voice Over Events

Voice Over Niches

Voice Over Hardware & Software tools

WAVSplitter: Next-Gen Word2WAV

WAVSplitter: Next-Gen Word2WAV

Specialty software designed just for voice-actors is rare.  It's usually musicians, producers, or DJ's etc. who are the target, and voiceover artists have to adapt it. But Word2Wav was one of those unique, gems-of-a-program that could save you, the voice actor, hours...

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Coolest Online Digital Tool EVARR

Coolest Online Digital Tool EVARR

Anyone who's had to build a story using subject interviews under deadline pressure (TV reporters?) knows the drill. You can't really compose the narrative until you know exactly what the interview subjects actually say...so the first task - while the clock is ticking...

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WoVOCon Community?…Priceless!

WoVOCon Community?…Priceless!

World-Voices Organization's 6th-annual conference in Las Vegas wrapped up at 6pm Sunday night. Most all of the 115 attendees, presenters, sponsors, and speakers were walking two feet off the ground when they walked out the door. That's the kind of energy these...

Voice Over Community

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