Rubber and Road

You think it’s easy over here to just sit back on my blog every day and pontificate about what YOU should be doing with your voiceover business?   Well, actually, putting my admonitions down in words like this — for all the world to see — makes ME...
Is Direct Mail Dead?

Is Direct Mail Dead?

For some reason, I suffer spammy emails better than spammy mailbox stuffers.  Probably because emails are easier to “86”. Hey!  Maybe that’s why direct mail is not dead! I know you never thought you’d hear this from the #1 apostle for Social...
Content Marketing – An Introduction

Content Marketing – An Introduction

C’mon admit it;  you’ve seen it out there; the latest buzzword (er…uh…phrase): CONTENT MARKETING. Sometimes I think the people pushing new marketing concepts just keep re-naming the same old paradigms to make you think you’re not keeping...
Dorian Gray is Alive!

Dorian Gray is Alive!

Oscar Wilde’s 1890 classic “The Picture of Dorian Gray” tells the ominous tale of a handsome young man who maintains his youthful appearance throughout the years by mysteriously transferring his age marks to a picture he keeps hidden away. I mention...