Content Marketing – An Introduction

by | Jun 24, 2014 | Marketing

contentC’mon admit it;  you’ve seen it out there; the latest buzzword (er…uh…phrase): CONTENT MARKETING.

Sometimes I think the people pushing new marketing concepts just keep re-naming the same old paradigms to make you think you’re not keeping up.  🙂

According to Wikipedia, Content marketing is: “…any marketing that involves the creation and sharing of media and publishing content in order to acquire customers…”

Examples include: white papers, infographics, blogs, videos, tutorials, explainers, photos, e-books, news releases, etc.  In today’s parlance, Content Marketing usually means (almost demands) it should be delivered digitally.  On a website, a blog, a social media network, a downloadable .pdf, a forum, or an online community.

You are probably already doing this.  I am.  That’s what this blog is.  Remember me railing time and again about the use of video in your marketing?  That’s content marketing.  You should never post anything on Facebook or Twitter without including a picture or a link to a picture.  That’s content marketing.  A link to your demo in your email signature is content marketing.

The thinking is that marketing-with-content leaves a more lasting impression, tells more about YOU, and creates more meaningful relationships, because you’ve offered something of value — freely.

Don’t be anxious that you aren’t DOING content marketing.  Like I said, you probably already are to some extent.  The idea is to be more intentional about it.  Content has always been king.  This is why content marketing is now king.

Think about the resources you can legitimately muster as uniquely yours, and likely valuable to others.  It’s not hard.  Take pics, refer links, share videos, include sound files and videos in  your newsletters.

Need more inspiration?  Check out the following links to Content Marketing resources:  (see?  more content marketing!)

 Top 42 Content Marketing Blogs

7 Top Content Marketing Blogs to Read in 2014

30 Top Content Marketing Blogsites for 2014

Content Marketing – 11 Definitions

Forbes: Top Content Marketing Trends That Will Dominate 2014

Why Content Marketing is King




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