Rates Rebound

Rates Rebound

Mention VO rates, and you’re bound to get a vibrant response.  Such was the case with yesterday’s blog “Low-Balling Liability?” Certain topical touchpoints in voice acting seem to hit a nerve, no matter how often they’re mentioned in...
Low-Balling Liability?

Low-Balling Liability?

In this post, I will not name the whistle-blower to protect the innocent.  It is not me who found this site.  That person received the notice (read below) as an email, and asked my opinion. Over the years, I’ve moved off-center in the debate about the capitalist...

Convert Text Speech

David Radtke wrote an excellent article on rates, just posted on  VoiceOverXtra called “Lowballing Hurts”. I agree wholeheartedly with his argument.  But even  he admits people who lowball are often newbies who just want to get their foot in the door. ...

20+ Voice Over Rate Sheets & Resources

Voice Over Rates are a moving target.   Union-repped talent would tell you differently, but for the rabble…the vast unwashed masses of VO which now predominate the field…it’s a negotiation. Still…it’s nice to have a starting...

VO Rates Rants

Maybe the economy is wearing us all down. Or maybe changing VO rates have come to roost in on our radar screens for real. Could it be that nerves are more frazzled that we think, or livelihoods are being threatened? I’m not sure. But I DO know that recent...
Splitting Hairs Redux

Splitting Hairs Redux

Take a moment, if you haven’t, to read the comments to my blog Splitting Hairs from a couple of days ago.  I appreciate it so much when people respond to thoughts here, so thanks to Anthony and Wayne. Let me just reprint another comment made by a close personal...

The Fount of VO Wisdom….

….never seems to run dry. Here’s what you have to do:  ask.  Yep.  Just ask. Most people are happy to help, and EVERYBODY has something to offer.  Even when you think you don’t. There ARE those among us who have a little more to offer than others,...