
Videos You Can Do

Videos You Can Do

What's the saying?...the best camera for taking a great picture is the camera you have with you?  Well, the same is true of video. I'll wager 98% of the people reading these words right now have a camera/video camera within their reach:  the smartphone. For years, I've been beating the drum about...

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A Smartphone Picture-Taking Primer from a Pro

A Smartphone Picture-Taking Primer from a Pro

The chief photographer/photojournalist/videojournalist at my TV station is good as they get.  Matt Adams takes so much pride in his work that he's a daily inspiration for our news staff. Only thing is...with MMJ (Multi-Media Journalism) taking over, many of the images captured by our...

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Android Recording Apps

Android Recording Apps

Eagerly, I opened a link the other day promising a list of the "five best voice-recording apps available for Android".  I just knew with a title like that, my favorites --- certainly Audio Evolution -- would be in the list.  To my dismay, the author for this TechRepublic article was thinking more...

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The Google Groove

The Google Groove

Google's star is reaching solar flare status. Among the handful of true corporate dynasties that sprang from the last twenty years of internet/dot-com/computer/social media ascendance, Google continues break ground faster and farther than most of the others (possible exception:  Apple -- and even...

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Under the heading of:  "Shoulda jumped on this months ago"...somebody beat me to the punch and has designed an iPhone app for VO auditioning. You might remember, I blogged about methods for doing just that in "Poddio Update".  New smartphone technology opens up incredible technology to make our...

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Audition by iPhone

This is an intriguing concept, absolutely do-able (in theory), and probably will be common in the future. I’m sure something similar could be done by Android, BlackBerry, or other smartphone, but follow the bouncing ball, while I explain how it could be done on the iPhone. First, you need a...

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