
The VO Success Pyramid

The VO Success Pyramid

...Lets make that the (PERCEIVED) VO Success Pyramid... 'Defined as a hierarchical representation of the levels of work/success/challenge/acknowledgement/accomplishments traditionally accepted as reasonably desirable in our field.  By nature, the pyramid is tiered from lowest-paying and least...

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Collaboration Salvation

Collaboration Salvation

Whether it's from some sort of wistful pride, or pathetic rationalization, voice actors are often quick to remind you that: " know, we all work alone..." It's true.  Mostly gone are the communal auditions in well-traveled studios (still a reality in some major markets).  The new breed of...

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New, Collaborative NVOM PSA!

New, Collaborative NVOM PSA!

Take a listen...almost 25 voice actors participated pro-bono to lend their voices to this new PSA commemorating Voice-Acting as part of our National Voice Over Month celebration! The voices on this PSA: Daniel Wallace, David Atwood, Mahmoud Taji, Bobbin Beam, David Houston, Jay Sawyer, Jim Barton,...

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