


"What was that again?" I said to Jason Rooney. My ears perked up when Rooney - a friend and VO Pro - mentioned he had successfully completed a remote recording using an IP connection service I'd never heard of before. "SessionLinkPro" he said.  "Worked like a charm!" Naturally, I was on the case. ...

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The All-in-One Smartphone A/V Studio

The All-in-One Smartphone A/V Studio

Maybe all this Consumer Electronics Show stuff is going to my head.  CES is in Las Vegas this week.  Then again... I've never been short on gusto when it comes to playing with the latest devices.  Regardless, let me share with you what I think is a winning combination of 3rd-party (aftermarket)...

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WiFi-Enabled Portable Recorder

WiFi-Enabled Portable Recorder

Do I have to state the obvious?  WiFi-enabled portable recorders include smartphone and tablet devices.  Auditions on iOS and Android devices using apps now available are landing gigs, and satisfying customers who can't tell the difference. Not only are they Wi-Fi enabled, but they're...

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THIS is why studios don’t want to relinquish their ISDN

THIS is why studios don’t want to relinquish their ISDN

As voice talent, we see a simplistic view of the distance remote-recording transaction.  The producer or audio engineer contacts us, we talk into the mic, they record it...we dust off our hands, and are done.  That's why the ISDN alternative technologies look so good to us.  Cheaper,...

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Media Realities

Media Realities

Have I mentioned that the TV station I work for as a news anchorman has been sold?  Little wonder.  We were a one-station group.  Now we're part of a media holding company that owns 110 TV stations.  Listening to the founder and CEO in a staff meeting Tuesday clued me in to the revenue streams...

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The “Other” Voiceover

The “Other” Voiceover

Years ago, I was lamenting (complaining, really) that Apple chose the word "voiceover" for the voice command functions on the iOS devices.  It just made searching for topics in our industry much less effective. But now that cat's out of the bag.  Heck...people in our business can't even decide...

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A Correction in the Marketplace

A Correction in the Marketplace

Put your ear to the railroad track, and you can hear it coming.  Bobbin Beam's great article of this week on "HELLO??? WHERE IS MY TELEPHONE CALL GOING" explains so well -- AGAIN-- what many of us have been chronicling for years:  the Internet is disrupting the comfortable state-of-affairs for...

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5 Ways VO’s Can Use Evernote: Part 2

5 Ways VO’s Can Use Evernote: Part 2

Seriously, I'm having trouble keeping the list to just 10 tips (Monday and today).  If you haven't read it yet, check out Monday's blog with Part 1, 5 Ways VO's Can Use Evernote.  There are some helpful links to get you started. Honestly, I don't think even the Evernote staff understand all the...

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Voice Recording for GoPro

Voice Recording for GoPro

The videojournalists on staff at KLAS-TV have about 7 GoPro cameras they share between then.  Everybody wants to take one with them when they shoot. Not heard of GoPro?  OK, what rock have you been hiding under? (kidding) GoPro is about the most viral recording device to hit the market in the last...

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Source Connect Update

Source Connect Update

Several emails recently have suggested that everyone might benefit from a side-by-side comparison of the three emerging technologies that seem poised to move into the space being slo-o-o-o-owly vacated by ISDN:  hi-fidelity remote audio recording. I can think of people like George Whittam who...

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