Truly…there is no ONE THING that will guarantee your VO success except you and your hard work.

But since everyone keeps looking for the Holy Grail of surefire voiceover victory, let me tell you what I found after a lo-o-o-o-ong weekend amongst gifted peers at WoVOCon.

See that gal there on the left in the photo with me?  That’s Katherin Vasilopoulos, a fellow World-Voices Organization board member.  If I’m lucky, I actually see her once, possibly twice a year.  But I interact virtually with her every week, sometimes for days in a row on email, Slack, and the phone.

I’m not going to embarrass her with a glowing description of her verbal dexterity (fluent in 4 languages), her intellect (razor sharp), or her sanguine grace in almost every situation (she’s Canadian!)…instead I’ll just say that as friends, our relationship continues to bear a cornucopia of munificent benevolence.

No, she will likely never hire me for a VO job, but the essence of my message is (and I’ll bet you dollars to donuts you’ve heard this before), your likelihood of being hired for voiceover jobs grows immeasurably when you DO make relationships with the right person/people.  

Heck, I’m constantly surprised at the twists and turns of human connections that lead to a VO job…but a personal relationship is usually at the heart of it.

Hey, if a retired introvert like me can manage a few valuable relationships that lead to jobs, I’ll bet an engaging gadabout like you could KILL it!

That’s it: relationship.

Five days of involvement with WoVOCon and I come away with one magic word.  Now you have it too.

Oh, and yeah…hard work.  

No way around that.




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