Before we get to the mics, let me just say I appreciate your patience.

It’s been last Thursday since I cut a fresh blog (aside from some video from Sonoma County, CA), and that’s not like me.  But the guy I was staying with had no internet at his cabin, and AT&T apparently doesn’t reach down into his holler.

Being without popular media AND internet forces you to actually find other things to do with available company, and I want to thank my friend, Brent, for keeping the conversations stimulating over some samples of Bailey’s Irish Cream.

Today’s blog is not MY review of some new mics but that of ELECTRONIC MUSICIAN.  I used to quote from their publication alla time, but then I got a little peeved when they rejected my idea to write a voiceover column in their mostly musician-centric online magazine.  Mind you, almost all their articles, and even their ads relate well to our community, so then why not give a nod to the VO buyers of fine mics, DAWS, pre-amps, plug-ins, etc., etc., etc.?

I’m over it. 

It’s still a worthy read, and their latest has an awesome look at some of the new mics out there.  it’s titled:  A MICROPHONE FOR EVERY OCCASION, so not all of it is going to apply to VO, but you’ll learn something, I promise you.

And while you’re there in the virtual pages of EM, check out page 56 for the Antelope Audio Zen tour, page 26 for some Pro Mixing tips, and the advertisements are drool-worthy too.

March Electronic Musician




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