Advanced economic theory and high finance have never been my strong suit.  My hat goes off to anyone who can make compelling arguments based on data that – to me – is like Sanskrit.

That’s why the document I’m posting below is impressive.  Someone has done their homework.  I’m not sure who, and I’m not sure I even understand it, but maybe you will, so that’s why I’m sharing it.  Keep in mind the author is unknown, and therefore, his/her motivation and expertise can’t be verified.  I don’t know how fresh the data is, but I have heard it on good authority, that the doc is most likely being seen by SAG-AFTRA higher-ups.

So why share it, then, Dave?  Well, I’m not one to spread untruths and rumors, but I think once you see the data included, you will understand why I’m going out on a limb to share it.  The sheer authenticity and depth of analysis seems to come forth from the data itself.

Read .pdf Here

If you’ve taken the time to see the above .pdf and can follow the conclusion, then please also take the time to read the next few paragraphs (below the line)  being released by the World-Voices Organization Executive Board of Directors today.  

We can save our industry from unscrupulous vultures.  We have the power in our own hands – yours and mine to make the difference.  The opportunity is slipping by. 

Think about it?



“The voiceover industry is seeing major changes in the way many jobs are finding their way to market. The traditional client-agent-talent model is now being challenged by a large company that has the stated intent of “owning” the global voiceover business. As has been seen, this entails them acting as a middle-man, taking a large percentage of the client’s budget for their own services, and paying the talent as little as possible.

At World-Voices Organization’s (WoVO’s) core is our simple mission statement: to inform and educate our members, and while WoVO does not (and cannot) mandate voiceover rates, we do ask our members to charge a fair market price for their services… a business practice that will ensure both the survival of the industry and our own livelihoods.

WoVO has aligned with the recently formed Voice Over Agent Alliance (VOAA) who have the same concerns about the commoditization of the industry and the obvious threat to their own role. The traditional agents have a business model that benefits both them and the talent… the better for the talent, the better for the agent. Not so with the clearing-house approach, where an increase in the client’s budget does not necessarily mean a better rate for the talent.

We ask that all WoVO members adhere to our stated Best Practices, and ask you to be mindful of the practices and ethics of other entities you may enter into a business arrangement with. We appreciate that our members are individual business owners and must make their own decisions, but the Best Practices – as agreed to when becoming a member – are designed to ensure the industry remains strong and that being a voiceover talent remains an occupation in which our members can thrive.

We would also like to remind our members that you have the power to make significant changes in the industry. You can reach out to your clients and agents and let them know why you will not be submitting for a specific job… whether that’s because of low rate or unrestricted usage… or because of their own business affiliations. Information is key and many clients who are using the clearing-house do not understand that only a relatively small percentage of their budget may be getting to the talent. When advised of this, many change their practices.

We would simply ask our members to look at their own business decisions and ask themselves if what they are doing benefits both the industry as a whole as well as their own business… for without one, the other cannot exist.”





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