source connect

A Correction in the Marketplace

A Correction in the Marketplace

Put your ear to the railroad track, and you can hear it coming.  Bobbin Beam's great article of this week on "HELLO??? WHERE IS MY TELEPHONE CALL GOING" explains so well -- AGAIN-- what many of us have been chronicling for years:  the Internet is disrupting the comfortable state-of-affairs for...

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One Webinar…Many Takeaways

One Webinar…Many Takeaways

Yesterday's hour-and-a-half-long webinar on ISDN alternatives made me a believer...a believer that entrepreneurship is thriving... personal & passionate initiative is an unstoppable force... and innovation is alive and well in this world. VoiceOverXtra sponsored the webinar.  Co-presenter Dan...

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Ball ‘n’ Chain

Ball ‘n’ Chain

My ISDN lines were installed 5 years ago.  I was giddy when my Telos XStream codec arrived.  When I have a session, I'm grateful for the technology, but honestly...I'm starting to see ISDN as a ball 'n' chain. You know me...I like cutting edge.  When I see something waning into oblivion...I want...

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Invitation: Finding ISDN’s Heir Apparent

Invitation: Finding ISDN’s Heir Apparent

Free-market forces are having a heyday in anticipation of ISDN's eventual downfall.  If you've spent any time at all on the pages of this blog, you know that I've been following this trail closely. There doesn't have to be just ONE successor to the throne of the twisted copper wires.  There may be...

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Source Connect Update

Source Connect Update

Several emails recently have suggested that everyone might benefit from a side-by-side comparison of the three emerging technologies that seem poised to move into the space being slo-o-o-o-owly vacated by ISDN:  hi-fidelity remote audio recording. I can think of people like George Whittam who...

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Pedaling Faster

Pedaling Faster

Does anyone else notice the pace of things just getting out of hand? I suppose this is the problem with skirting the trending edge of the envelope in the first place.  It can leave you either looking like you're the smartest guy since Steve Jobs, or the biggest loser since Bernie Madoff. I like...

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West of WoVOCon

West of WoVOCon

Set aside what you know of FaffCon or any other of the many great VoiceOver conferences you attended recently. Oh, WoVOCon shared many of the elements of those great conferences, but this one was one of the best exercises in volunteerism and community contribution I can remember. That's because...

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5 Ways to “Turn” A Producer

5 Ways to “Turn” A Producer

We've talked about this.  All the best laid plans of ipDTL, and Source-Connect NOW, and SoundStreak, and even Skype will be for naught as long as the big guns decide they're gonna hang on to their ISDN until the TelCos come over and rip the copper wires out of their wall. It's not that they're...

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Source-Connect NOW….Free?

Source-Connect NOW….Free?

No other question dominates discussions about the recent spate of ISDN-replacement technologies:  How much will it cost? Kevin Leach at ipDTL has tinkered with his subscription fee a little since the first release.  SoundStreak offered their service at no cost for the longest time.  Now that it's...

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Skype Goes Pro Audio:  What This Means for VO’s

Skype Goes Pro Audio: What This Means for VO’s

Sure, everybody loves to bash Microsoft, the most recent owner of Skype...but the truth is, the lion's share of Skype employees live in Luxembourg, and the development team is mostly in Estonia (the birthplace of Skype).  That's hardly a typical Redmond-based mishandling of some browser brouhaha. ...

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