In the midst of some big VO industry shake-ups in the last year,  confident new ethical players are emerging.  World-Voices Organization (WoVO) is six years and growing.  Matt Dubois’ VoiceCastingHub answered VDC’s acquisition of VoiceBank.  GVAA is killing it with their Rates Resource Guide (among other things), and the Voicovoer Agent Alliance is a stalwart with the combined strength of their member agencies.


That last one: — VAA — has as a sparkplug of an “outspoken” conscience in Erik Sheppard.


A recent video he put out needs to be seen by everybody in VO-land.

It says it all, and I’m asking you to pass it on to every one of your voice-actor colleagues.  You can watch it below.


Bravo Erik…that IS what it’s about! 






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