social Media

Put Your VO Demo on Pinterest

Put Your VO Demo on Pinterest

Oh, the biases voice actors have against Pinterest! "It's just for people to share recipes." "I'm not looking to buy shoes today!" "Who cares about what Jennifer Lawrence wore to the Oscars." OK, yes, Pinterest is guilty of all those stereotypical statements, and yes, it's dominated by the female...

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Be Nimble (and quick)

Be Nimble (and quick)

The other night, I met with some publishers about the release of my new book. Our conversation was involved and detailed, but what struck me most was a word the publisher kept using. NIMBLE. He claimed a small/freelance/start-up business can't survive in today's world without being nimble. In...

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The Current State of Social Media for Voice-Actors (Part 2)

The Current State of Social Media for Voice-Actors (Part 2)

INFO OVERLOAD? You would be hard-pressed to OVERstate the impact of information and content sharing -- through the internet -- on voice acting today. Many things about the internet have changed our business permanently, and most would say:  for the better.  The free exchange of info -- of every...

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The Current State of Social Media for Voice-Actors (Part 1)

The Current State of Social Media for Voice-Actors (Part 1)

Battling Social Media burnout Social Media should not be stressful. This issue brings more questions to my door than any other. The question usually takes the form of: How much time should I spend on Social Media? Should I be on ALL the networks?  If no, which ones SHOULD I be on? Should Social...

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Using Twitter’s new “Related Headlines” Feature

Using Twitter’s new “Related Headlines” Feature

Monday, Twitter added a new feature to it's service called "Related Headlines". There are two motivations for this development: 1)  Twitter is trying to get more people to embed tweets in their website 2)  Twitter is trying to automatically provide context to popular stories Let's face it, Twitter...

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The Truth About Social Media…

The Truth About Social Media… that it's as useful as you make it.  Like most other worthwhile endeavours, you reap what you sow... you get out of it what you put into it. I'll admit, I was attracted to it 'cause it was a bright and shiny penny back in the early days of FaceBook and Twitter.   Now it's a cultural...

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Yup, I've  been holding back. Read any of my blogs (including yesterday's), and you know I subscribe to two hard and fast rules. 1) There are no Social Media experts (only students). 2) Things change so fast in Social Media, you almost can't keep up. I share a lot of Social Media stuff on this...

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Pinterest’s new “Secrets” for VO’s

Pinterest’s new “Secrets” for VO’s

Online Social Media darling Pinterest recently stepped up their service to include two new features: 1) Secret Boards 2) Business Accounts (just announced yesterday) This is a natural progression for Pinterest.  Although it's one of the hottest social network phenoms, it is still playing catch up...

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Drawing the Line

Drawing the Line

#1 Question I get from people at VO Social Media seminars: "When do you sleep?" What they really mean is..."I don't have enough time in the day to be present on all those social media sites, and do it justice.  How do you do that?" To be even more succinct, their concern is that:  "I don't have...

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Your Presence Needed….

Your Presence Needed….

...or is it? You get to decide...and at some point, you really HAVE to, or you're wasting your time. Remember the question I posed a couple of weeks ago:  Can VO Be TOO Social?   The question has also since cropped up on (of course) a  FaceBook Group, with a wide sample of responses. Are you still...

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