
My Monday Night Visitor

What day of the week would you say comes with the highest concentration of VO audition requests? Uh-huh.  Monday. Now, let me explain that my prime daypart for recording auditions is midnight to 3am.  Lately I've also adding 11am - 1pm after I rise, for doing auditions.  That's it.  That's all the...

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Can I Clear My Throat, or Not?

Can I Clear My Throat, or Not?

Every 6 months I see my ENT Physician.  He clears the wax out of my ears, looks up my nose, mumbles something to his assistant, then sticks a camera scope down into my throat.  It's mildly irritating, but THIS is why I mostly come every six months.  He says:  "Say E-E-E-E-E." I do, and he nods his...

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