Deal Breaker

Deal Breaker

Sometimes an idea comes along that just makes us all do a face-plant, and say:  "Of course!...Perfect!"Kevin Leach -- the founding and creative force behind ipDTL -- and  his development team, just launched what could be the convergence communication solution for voice-actors seeking...

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ipDTL Adds Phone Patch

ipDTL Adds Phone Patch

That's right... the contingency that confounds some voice talents, frustrates others, and and only clients seem to want, is now a regular feature of ipDTL.  "Phone Patch" is different things to different people.  It's rooted in an older time, when ISDN was king.  Some voice talent make it out to...

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Next WoVOChat:  ISDN vs. IP Alternatives

Next WoVOChat: ISDN vs. IP Alternatives

Ya live long enough, and you start to see evidence of the (mostly) subtle and unrelenting march of change.  Within science and technology that march is double-time.  And yet, some once-revolutionary/now-aged technologies are hard to upend. Why do we still have FAXes?  Printed books?  Gasoline...

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The Latest!… ipDTL Beta

The Latest!… ipDTL Beta

My sites are set squarely on CES today. 'Almost embarrassing that a Vegas geek like me hasn't set foot on the exhibit floor until the third day! My planned stops include Blue Microphones, Shure, Microsoft, and about 50 other impromptu stops along the way. 🙂 Until I get back with pics of cool...

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THIS is why studios don’t want to relinquish their ISDN

THIS is why studios don’t want to relinquish their ISDN

As voice talent, we see a simplistic view of the distance remote-recording transaction.  The producer or audio engineer contacts us, we talk into the mic, they record it...we dust off our hands, and are done.  That's why the ISDN alternative technologies look so good to us.  Cheaper,...

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More ISDN Death Knell Predictions?

More ISDN Death Knell Predictions?

Just a few days ago, I posted a quick blog about Telos' Z/IP product.  More than just an ISDN codec, it also has IP functionality built-in.  My point in writing about it was that here is one of the world's premier ISDN codec producers, tipping their hat to the future, seeing the writing on the IP...

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A Correction in the Marketplace

A Correction in the Marketplace

Put your ear to the railroad track, and you can hear it coming.  Bobbin Beam's great article of this week on "HELLO??? WHERE IS MY TELEPHONE CALL GOING" explains so well -- AGAIN-- what many of us have been chronicling for years:  the Internet is disrupting the comfortable state-of-affairs for...

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One Webinar…Many Takeaways

One Webinar…Many Takeaways

Yesterday's hour-and-a-half-long webinar on ISDN alternatives made me a believer...a believer that entrepreneurship is thriving... personal & passionate initiative is an unstoppable force... and innovation is alive and well in this world. VoiceOverXtra sponsored the webinar.  Co-presenter Dan...

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Ball ‘n’ Chain

Ball ‘n’ Chain

My ISDN lines were installed 5 years ago.  I was giddy when my Telos XStream codec arrived.  When I have a session, I'm grateful for the technology, but honestly...I'm starting to see ISDN as a ball 'n' chain. You know me...I like cutting edge.  When I see something waning into oblivion...I want...

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Invitation: Finding ISDN’s Heir Apparent

Invitation: Finding ISDN’s Heir Apparent

Free-market forces are having a heyday in anticipation of ISDN's eventual downfall.  If you've spent any time at all on the pages of this blog, you know that I've been following this trail closely. There doesn't have to be just ONE successor to the throne of the twisted copper wires.  There may be...

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