voiceover artist

In Your Heart…

In Your Heart…

...you know what has to be done. In just a few days, everyone will dust off 2014 and turn towards 2015.  It's a symbolic time of renewal, but we also know January can be drudgery...cold -- a time when the realization sets in that the festive holidays are over. Just a little perspective on the...

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Chapter 40

Chapter 40

About this time of year, you should be thinking about calling in all your markers.  By that I mean, it's kinda nice to be paid in 2014 for the work you've done in 2014. Some clients need a little prodding in that regard.  If it's over 60 days since you did the work, you should be firmly asking for...

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Tech Stuff Too Good to Miss

Tech Stuff Too Good to Miss

My email runneth over! For some reason a bunch of stuff appeared in my inbox Wednesday...tech Stuff that's just too good to miss.  Maybe you got it too...but just in case, here's the short list: VOICEZAM  Founder and CEO Bob Merkel never rests on his laurels.  One of the most innovative...

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“You know, I used to be a….”

“You know, I used to be a….”

Never.  Never have I run across a voice-actor who began life as a voice-actor.  Everyone came to the profession from somewhere else.  A good many began in broadcasting...especially radio.  Some from (ahem) TV, or production, or audio engineering... but seriously... do you know of anyone who...

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One Webinar…Many Takeaways

One Webinar…Many Takeaways

Yesterday's hour-and-a-half-long webinar on ISDN alternatives made me a believer...a believer that entrepreneurship is thriving... personal & passionate initiative is an unstoppable force... and innovation is alive and well in this world. VoiceOverXtra sponsored the webinar.  Co-presenter Dan...

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VoiceZam’s “Straight Shot” Debuts

VoiceZam’s “Straight Shot” Debuts

Bob Merkel makes it looks easy. First he launches a demo player that turns the VO business on its ear.  Then he cuts the price in half, but keeps adding valuable features left 'n' right. Ask him about it, and he just shrugs, flashes a big smile, and gets all humble.  But that's Bob:  a great...

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The “Remote” Challenge

The “Remote” Challenge

While in Ft. Worth, TX for my daughter's college graduation, (see yesterday's blog) I got the call we all love/hate to get:  a voice over job, and they needed it yesterday. Since we all seem so overwhelmingly infatuated with creative solutions for recording on the road...and since device...

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5 Ways to “Turn” A Producer

5 Ways to “Turn” A Producer

We've talked about this.  All the best laid plans of ipDTL, and Source-Connect NOW, and SoundStreak, and even Skype will be for naught as long as the big guns decide they're gonna hang on to their ISDN until the TelCos come over and rip the copper wires out of their wall. It's not that they're...

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Seminar Excerpt: CourVOisier on Social Media

Seminar Excerpt: CourVOisier on Social Media

Everybody's favorite voice over business coach, and prolific YouTube trainer -- Bill DeWees -- is finally getting out 'n' about. Bill and I are both introverts.  Seriously.   And besides being uncomfortable in the limelight, Bill is just always working.  The guy is busy because he lives what he...

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Put Your VO Demo on Pinterest

Put Your VO Demo on Pinterest

Oh, the biases voice actors have against Pinterest! "It's just for people to share recipes." "I'm not looking to buy shoes today!" "Who cares about what Jennifer Lawrence wore to the Oscars." OK, yes, Pinterest is guilty of all those stereotypical statements, and yes, it's dominated by the female...

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