Nancy Wolfson

The Moody Clues

The Moody Clues

Time for the latest installment in a weeks-long killer series of instructional VO videos from SuperStar voice acting coach and producer Nancy Wolfson. ...and once again, I find myself reaching into Rock 'n' Roll prehistory for a catchy title.  (Remember the Moody Blues?)  Uh...never mind.  The...

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There’s a kind of hush…

There’s a kind of hush…

...all over the world, tonite  (ho gotta be really old to get this reference!...I admit, it was a reach). Today's blog features this week's episode (#3) of a series of 13 Nancy Wolfson video tips for "How To Sound  Real, & Nail the Sale" Yeah, THAT Nancy Wolfson:  uber voice acting...

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D- D- Don’t Overlook This!

D- D- Don’t Overlook This!

There's all the art and heart and psychology of what you want to bring to the microphone, and then there are the simple mechanics (only sometimes they're not so simple!). 'No shortcuts to the words on the page, especially when those words convey something important to the client... like maybe...

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Forget the Pronoun…Be Pro Noun

Forget the Pronoun…Be Pro Noun

Among the many lessons I've learned in shedding "broadcast Dave" in the interest of "voice actor Dave", is the one that Nancy Wolfson hammered into me early-on.  You know, Nancy Wolfson... the VO coach/Producer whose altar you really must worship at on your way to success (my opinion, but I'm...

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Rast ich, so rost ich

July/August will be a training period in my VO career. A full 5-day weekend at VOICE, and a one-on-one with Wolfson. Life is good!

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