Source-Elements Debuts “NOW”

Source-Elements Debuts “NOW”

In the midst of an unbridled enthusiasm for ipDtL... one of the first providers of non-ISDN remote, high-quality recording -- Source Elements -- is out with a compelling competing product. Even as World-Voices Organization calls for an industry-wide end to ISDN, pretenders to the throne are...

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Final Stop…

Final Stop…

Funny how often things run their course despite our feeble efforts at change. The ISDN train is coming into the station for the last time, and soon, it's final passengers will wonder why they ever bothered with the old thing, now that all those brand-new shiny conveyances are available. Besides......

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Seizing the Moment

Seizing the Moment

People wonder why I hammer away at the one big issue that faces us all.  I'm not even sure what to call it... but it has to do with the impending death of ISDN, and pretenders to the throne. A voice-over friend in Canada wrote me yesterday to ask my opinion of  ipDtL.  I hope he won't mind my...

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Trust… But Verify

Trust… But Verify

Remember that conditional phrase Pres. Reagan uttered when negotiating nuclear firepower with Russia's Gorbachev?... or am I totally dating myself as a geeky news-guy?  There's a reason I bring it up. I know all of a sudden the voice-over world has fallen head-over-heels for IpDtl.  No question,...

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BRI = ISDN? (a new wrinkle)

BRI = ISDN? (a new wrinkle)

In Las Vegas, the main telephone carrier is Century Link, which before that was Embarq, and before that was Sprint. 3-4 years ago, I had the company install my ISDN lines, and the service has been solid and fairly inexpensive compared to what some others are paying now. Rumors and hard evidence...

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IP DTL From the Inside

IP DTL From the Inside

Posy Brewer is a delightful, hard-working, and talented voice actor in the UK whom I keep running into online and at VO conferences.  Brewer, like me, has ISDN and Source-Connect, but is keeping her eye out for "the next big thing" in the area of hi-fidelity remote recording. Rachael Naylor's blog...

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Another One…

Another One…

Some might say I'm obsessed with this topic... the one about what happens when ISDN disappears.  It will go away...although the reports of its demise are quite likely grossly accelerated. Let's not get into that.  Let's just say the first cracks are showing in the monolithic façade of ISDN's...

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Let There Be Method To It

Let There Be Method To It

That is the subheading to an excellent article published just a couple of days ago by Michael LeClair, the Chief Engineer for WBUR (AM/FM) radio in Boston. Michael's cogent analysis of the eventual, and ever more real demise of ISDN makes an excellent summary of the current state of affairs with...

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Meet Luci Live

Meet Luci Live

Luci Live is an app for iOS, Mac, Windows, and Android.  Don't ask me where they got the name, but here's what it does, according to the website:  "...LUCI LIVE transforms your PC or Smartphone into a high-quality, live internet broadcasting source. With the availability of mobile or fixed-line...

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Source-Connect V3.7 Beta for Win7 – Standalone

Source-Connect V3.7 Beta for Win7 – Standalone

Oddly enough, a new-client call from Bahrain put me on notice... and  I was unprepared! I hadn't used my Source-Connect in months and months.  More importantly, I hadn't tried connecting to ANYONE on SourceConnect (SC) since I put my new computer in my studio earlier this year.  Sure, SC was...

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