…and One More

by | Jun 26, 2014 | ConnnectionOpen, ISDN


This week’s webinar featuring popular alternatives ipDTL, SoundStreak, and SourceConnect resurrected the sleeping sibling in this set of options.

Close followers of this blog will recall my mentioning yet another ISDN alternative in earlier posts: ConnectionOpen.com

See: The Search for ISDN’s Successor (Feb 2013)

ConnectionOpen has never gone away, it just hasn’t been beating the drum much lately.  One of the principle founders left, and the people still holding the reins have been re-grouping, but have big plans: a new and more reliable server system, a new user interface, a better user experience, and eventually a new launch.

ConnectionOpen was devised as a means for musicians to collaborate in REAL TIME.  By that I mean no delay.  None.  On top of that lofty claim, ConnectionOpen says their peer-to-peer system uses NO compression (they’ve got a patent on that feature).

Here are some of the other features:

  • works for Windows or Mac
  • no browser required (not Chrome-based)
  • requires the installation of a client application
  • uses the J.A.R. program (Java Audio Recorder)
  • automatically recognizes your sound card
  • allows for varying sample rates and soundfile recordings
  • allows for sending of audio files

Here’s the great part:  ConnectionOpen is free (for now).  Both ends of the audio transaction require the installation of the free client application.

The guy currently running the company assures me that ConnectionOpen is being used everyday by lots of musicians, and that planned changes to make the GUI more friendly are close to completion.  He admits that the onus of using a program built for musicians might be a turn-off to voice-actors, but from what I can see, most of us are used to this.  He’s a musician AND a voice-actor and is toying with the idea of marketing a separate ConnectionOpen site just for voice-acting.  Time will tell.

In the meantime, why not take advantage of this great resource for recording HD remote sound – no compression — no delay, and for the time being…no cost.

Anybody want to do a test with me?

ConnectionOpen User Guide

ConnectionOpen About Page

ConnectionOpen client application download




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