The Holy Grail of Geekdom…

by | Jan 9, 2013 | Social Media/Networking, Web/Tech

ces-b…is in Las Vegas this week.

The annual Consumer Electronic Show (CES) started Tuesday.  Roughly 150,000 people are attending from all around the globe. It’s not open to the public, but any working journalist can get in, and it doesn’t hurt that the Las Vegas convention center is a 3-block walk from the TV station where I work.

News stories usually focus on all the new gizmos and gadgets.  The exhibit hall IS certainly something to see, and you can’t minimize the impact of these new wares on the market.  But like many successful conventions, the REAL story is in the expensive evening parties….er…uh…I mean the many seminars, meetings, and side-bar mini-conventions and related professional associations that throw THEIR meet-ups at the same time.

For instance, the New Media Expo is over at the Rio Resort during CES.  This gathering used to be called Blog World Expo.  Regardless, it’s the epitome of real-time networking for people who usually network online for a living.

I haven’t had the chance to go to either event (that’s coming Thursday), but when I do, I’ll post about my experience here.

In the meantime, some worthwhile reminders about your online presence have already been uttered by Amy Jo Martin, author, speaker, founder, CEO of Digital Royalty.  Her main points:

  • Humans communicate with humans. Not logos.
  • The goal to to connect with people who believe what you believe.
  • [Social media] is a dialogue, not a monologue.
  • Deliver value when, where, and how your audience want to receive it.
  • Everything is trackable online… everything’s accountable.

See the complete article on Martin’s comments.  You’ll find a further link to her full speech in that article.




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