Scott Brick

Voice Acting Royalty Was There

The short drive from my Anaheim hotel took 2 hours in heavy Saturday evening traffic.  I was 10 minutes late making my seat at the table for the poker tournament to benefit the Don LaFontaine Voice-Over Lab. But when I realized that my poker competition at the table included Melissa Disney and...

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‘Best $47 You’ll Ever Spend

In less than two weeks, the Audio Publishers Association Conference (APAC) takes place in New York City.   The conference itself is only one day, but the entire Audiobook publisher's community makes this their seminal annual event by putting APAC in the context of other meet-ups, sessions, mixers,...

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VOICE2012 – Day 3 at Disney

VOICE2012 – Day 3 at Disney

Up at 7am.  Really?  Normally, I've had just 3 hours of sleep at 7am, but on THIS day I'm expected to be chipper, entertaining, wise, and informative at that hour. Yes, I'm reprising my role as a self-styled Social Media know-it-all along with my equally-afflicted VO colleague, Terry Daniel....

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