Come Up for Air

by | Jan 11, 2017 | Ruminations

Ours is one of the more remarkable freelance business enterprises.  It’s a little more off-the-beaten-path than, say… freelance photographers or writers or graphic artists.

I mean, people have a general idea of what we do…but not really how we do it.  It’s got real panache.  Kinda special, ya know?

The problem with that is we start to think of our challenges as unique ONLY to voice-acting.  Like other freelancers could NEVER really understand the problems we have landing jobs, or finding clients, or marketing our services.  We’re just that special.

Once you’ve swallowed that concept, you’re into an insular world of voice-acting that can get myopic really fast.  It also leads to a limited universe of solutions, coaches, ideas, and a general inhibition of your talent.

Sure, you HAVE to pursue creative VO answers to your unique VO questions and challenges, but concepts and ideas “out there” can also tremendously expand your understanding of the way the world works, and get your marketing juices flowing.

Some months ago, I joined a MasterMind group of independent entrepreneurs.  I think I’m the only voice actor in the bunch (~200).  But man!…I’m learning soooo much.  Finding out how other solo-preneurs are launching their business plans, their websites, finding clients, and marketing their services.  The business tips and professional relationships and online brainstorming…all that is beyond the pale; opening my mind to all sorts of new possibilities that I can apply to the business of voiceover.

I’ve already shared a few ideas gleaned from that group here on my blog, and below are links to a few more; resources and articles that you might find useful too.

Skeptical of the whole notion of goal-setting?  Me too.  Here’s another point of view you may find helpful.

How Voice Technology is Transforming Computing

Successful people use these techniques to speak up for themselves

The Ultimate Guide to Facebook Engagement in 2017

Infographic – 31 Must Know Video Marketing Stats

Do you have any breakthrough concepts you’ve come across lately outside of voice-acting?




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