“More Than Just A Voice” Book Release Tomorrow!

by | Jul 21, 2014 | More Than Just a Voice

More than just a voice by Dave Courvoisier

More than just a voice by Dave CourvoisierYou’re great for putting up with my book release media blitz.  The realities of self-publishing in this day ‘n’ age demand that the author rely on his/her first-tier connections to spread the word.

Since I use my blog as the center of my Social Media Network connections, and since this book is a direct descendent of my blog content, it only makes sense that I turn to my friends and readers here to help me.

So, here’s the deal:  my new book, MORE THAN JUST A VOICE: The REAL Secret to Voiceover Success debuts tomorrow.  If you’ve been following the saga of my publishing story, this no surprise.

The book will first come available on Amazon Kindle, then available as a paperback.

 More information in the following online places:

Twitter:  @MorThnJstAVoice

FaceBook:  https://www.facebook.com/MoreThanJustAVoice

Web:  http://www.MoreThanJustAVoice.com

The website changes-over Tuesday to a full-blown portal for ordering the book, commenting on the book, and finding out the latest information for where to get the book.  The FaceBook page will do that too, and you may notice a surge of tweets from me this week.  Like I said at the top of this article: “You’re great for putting up with my book release media blitz.” I understand most people are willing to withstand such a barrage for a short while.  I promise not to over-do it!  🙂

Finally, I got busy last night and put together this explainer video that…well…explains where I’m at with the theme of this book.






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