Don’t Miss EWABS’ 3rd Anniversary, Monday…

by | Apr 20, 2014 | Source-Connect

EWABSshirtLogoFINALest-300x152…At least not if you want to hear the answer to the question I posed late last week on this blog:  “SourceConnect NOW…Free?”

The response to that mention of “free” was viral!  Source-Connect is up to something, and EWABS is the perfect place to make a big announcement about their pricing.

‘Hard to believe that 3 years ago, already, George Whittam and Dan Lenard committed to putting a weekly show “on air” live.  A show that was just for us folks…the voice-over rabble.  Not taking anything away from Chuck and Stacey and VO Buzz Weekly, but Dan & George did it first…on a shoestring budget…and stuck to it.

That deserves some kudos.

In the last three years, they’ve creatively and inventively built a community of fans. educated us all, and they had lots of fun doing it.  Sure, it’s a little kitschy, sometimes, but that’s the charm of EWABS: East West Audio Body Shop.

For the 3rd-annual celebration, the show will originate from the West Coast, and Ann Ganguzza’s VO Peeps studio, live in Irvine, CA.  Replays of all the EWABS shows are here.


Rebekah Wilson of (Source-Connect) will be a special guest on the show, and she’s promised to build on the bombshell she dropped on my blog Friday:  the next word on pricing for Source-Connect NOW.

Sure, you’ll hear about it later, here, but why wait?  EWABS starts at 6pm PST, on  The show is lots of fun, and you can chat with the hosts, guests, and all other attendees.   I have to do a TV newscast at 6pm, so I’ll miss the first half-hour, but I’ll be joining as soon as I can.

See you there!




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