Avoid Mouth Clicks – Drink Water

by | Oct 17, 2010 | Advice

My father got  kidneystones.  I occasionally do too.  Yeah, they hurt.

But I’ve managed to reduce their frequency by learning to drink water like a fish.  Not cranberry juice, not soda, tea, coffee, milk, or energy drinks.


Lucky for me, the upside is I rarely get mouth clicks on my recordings.

See, the magic is not drinking a lot of water while you’re in the studio recording (it kinda helps, but….).  The magic is drinking a lot of water.  Always.  In other words: be hydrated.

There are generally accepted health benefits for this daily ritual anyway, so why not just adopt this advice and begin today?  I keep a 2-and-a-half gallon spigotted dispenser of distilled water on a shelf in my studio all the time.  It’s one of the smartest things I ever did.




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