The Trouble With Taji….

by | Feb 24, 2010 | New Paradigms

pavilion ….is really no trouble at all…’cause he constantly brings a fresh look – a fresh perspective on the business of voiceover.

His “Frankenstein” idea (see blog here) garnered attention from some of the major P2P sites, and the exchange of concepts led to some significant revisions in the plans for David Ciccarelli’s new Beta roll-out of

See more about that HERE, including a chance to participate in that Beta site.


But Taj’s latest brainstorm (although not entirely novel) has likely never been applied to VO in the sense that he states in his latest blog TAJI’S BIG IDEA.

Oh, no…I’m not going to summarize it here… you have to click on the big tent, or the link in the line above to read all about it yourself. 

Then be sure to comment at the bottom of his blog to further the conversation.

Yeah, we need more trouble like this.  Nice going Taji!





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