wovo chat

WoVOChat Results:  Finding a Good Coach

WoVOChat Results: Finding a Good Coach

Aren't these fun?  You could almost forget that a great deal of valuable info is exchanged in the WoVOChats, because there's so much... well.... CHATTING going on.Today's session covered acres of territory on the subject of VO coaching, and brought the added dimension of perceived differences in...

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Next #WoVOChat: Pay-to-Plays

Next #WoVOChat: Pay-to-Plays

Given the high participation in almost any online discussion about online casting sites, we expect this week's #WoVOChat to be a barn-burner! In just the last week, a thread on the FaceBook Group that Terry Daniel and I administer (Voice-Over Pros)  has been going on and on.  The arc of such...

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