voiceover artist

VO Rates Roundtable

VO Rates Roundtable

Don't fault me or WoVO for focusing so much on voiceover compensation rates lately.  We're only trying to keep up with the crazy pace of this industry.  No one topic garners more interest among freelance voice actors than this issue. World-Voices Organization members site "rates" as one of their...

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The Race to $0

The Race to $0

Today's blog is tangential to voice-over, and yet it concerns each and every one of us who uses "The Cloud"...which is probably 95% of us...or should be. It's about space, co-location, server farms, bandwidth, but most of all, access to all you want, when you want, wherever you are, and whatever...

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Should a Mic “Look” Good?

Should a Mic “Look” Good?

Have you ever heard a voice actor remark:  "...man, that's a suh-weet lookin' mic!!!" ?? Purists and audio engineers are gonna hate me for this one...much the same way car salesmen love car buyers.   Why?  Because car buyers rely entirely to much on the way a car "looks" rather than the quality of...

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The Root of All Decent Content:  Good Writing

The Root of All Decent Content: Good Writing

Think about it (if you’re old enough)…how much did you write every day BEFORE social media came along? Not everyone has made the transition to the New Media world with grace. Yet…in a day’s time, you (1) text (2) email (3) post on FaceBook (4) post on some other social network and (5) create...

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Move Over “Conversational”!…

Move Over “Conversational”!…

...there's a new, even more cryptic request showing up in auditions now. Have you see it too? I'm talking about the call for voices that was sent back again by the prospective client, 'cause the first round of auditions were too "announcery". Fine.  'Quite accustomed to seeing THAT.  [See my rants...

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Thankyou, Jim!

Thankyou, Jim!

The debate over Net-Neutrality may have escaped  you thus far.  Or perhaps it's at the periphery of your view. Or maybe you have strong feelings one way or the other about it.  I do...and those feelings are just about perfectly summarized by James Alburger in a posting you can read here. Please do...

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Rates, Compensation, Pay

Rates, Compensation, Pay

Is there any topic of more interest to voice-actors, or ANY freelancer for that matter? I'm not buying the fact that some people are totally at ease with the rate they ask for and the rate they get.  I think ALL voice-actors have some level of anxiety, frustration, and insecurity about their pay....

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101 For Aspiring Video Game Voice-Actors

101 For Aspiring Video Game Voice-Actors

This is a side of voice-acting I haven't tried for.  Should I?  I know Brad Venable and DB Cooper (and many others) thrive on the work they find in video games.  It's not like I wouldn't want to...it's just that like launching into ANY new genre, I don't know where to start...where to find the job...

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Source Connect Updates

Source Connect Updates

Sometimes you just hafta sally forth and ask, instead of sitting around waiting for answers to come to you. So...I asked.  I asked Rebekah Wilson of Source-Elements about the Holiday flyer she sent out.  It had all sorts of good news about Source-Connect Beta vO.5, and some verbiage about upgrades...

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