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Update Again and Again

This is the sad state of affairs in today's world:  everything is cursory. I'm speaking mostly of content, attention spans, and trends.  Nothing stands still.  Everything is always in transition. Boy, that's profound, Dave!...haven't you ever heard that the only thing...

Ethics in Voice Acting

Ethics?  Really?  I just need VO jobs! OK, I hear ya, but believe it or not it's all tied in together, and it's also best described in the context of community. Next week at VoiceOver Atlanta, J Michael Collins is moderating a panel on this very topic.  As an intro to...

Video: State of the VO Industry

Here it is…the promised recording of the GVAA/VOAA/WoVO Webinar.


Just give me the word count willya? Give me a word count, and I can pretty much decide a lot of things:  time-to-complete-narrration, time-to-complete-editing, my cost, YOUR cost...a lot. And you wouldn't think it would be that hard to get the word count.  I mean,...

7 Disruptive Technologies That Have Shaped the Business of Voice Overs

That word: "disruptive" is showing up everywhere...typically in relation to social media of late.  But disruptive technologies appear all through the history of civilization...it's just happening at a faster pace now.Disruptive technology or disruptive innovation is...

Just Because I Own a Piano, Doesn’t Mean I’m a Pianist

We all have a voice, so potentially anyone could be a voice actor. By the same token, we all have fingers, so again -potentially – we could all be concert pianists, right?

A Sublime Predicament

For months, I've been working to be paperless.  I'm almost there.  So much so, that routines and devices I used years ago, I now view as somewhat quaint (daytimers, notepads, and Palm Pilots). I confess a weakness for fountain pens, so I'll never be entirely free, but...

CourVO on Blue Blog

At the most recent CES confab in Vegas, I ran into one of my all-time favorite many-times-over-entrepreneur, John Pozadzides (his friends call him John-P). We crashed into each other at the Blue Microphone exhibit, cause, well...let's face it... they have the coolest...

Part I, Your VO Social Media plan

Each day this week, I'll contribute a new blog article in a 5-point plan to benefit your VO business in the Social Networks. This is not daunting, nor difficult.  It will require some time, esp. if you haven't started yet, and it WILL require the real YOU to step...

Frustrated with i-Lok?

Maybe you're absolutely satisfied with the anti-piracy technology known as i-Lok.  If so, you're one of a disappearing breed. The dizzying hoops you have to jump through in credentialing your newly-purchased, and i-Lok-protected program mostly feels clicking "I agree"...
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