#2 of Five Things 37 Years of Broadcast News Taught Me (and how it can help your VO business)

by | Dec 12, 2017 | VO Business

In 4 days, I’ll be giving up the local TV anchor job I spent a lifetime to get and keep.

TV has changed immeasurably in the 37.5 years I’ve worked at the business of broadcast journalism; Technology, techniques, attitudes, context, language and more have all seen a metamorphosis. And that’s normal. 

To survive is to change, and adapt. Agility in the marketplace is essential.

And yet, ONE thing never changes.


I’ll wager if I were to drop you into the middle of a Roman senate session, circa 200 B.C. you’d see a lot of the same egos, manipulations, and machinations as of the people in today’s US Senate.

One of my previous co-anchors used to joke with me that  “…people are spoiling it for everyone…”  

So true!

But, look, there’s no escaping people in ANY job… even one that can be as isolating as voice-acting.

So if you choose to throw yourself into the mix, and not live in a cave after all, then ya gotta learn how to get along. Relationships are at once the most frustrating, and the most enabling tools of your trade.

On the good side:  helpful colleagues, supportive agents, word-of-mouth marketing, peer referrals, and an encouraging community of friends.

On the bad side:  gossip, unbalanced egos, vindictiveness, and troublesome, late-paying customers.

Politics is endemic in ANY instituition where people are present.  We all say we hate politics, but it’s present in all social/work constructs that are peopled.

That’s everywhere!  

And that means playing the game, and getting good at it, or at least adequate.

How many times have I waxed eloquent on this blog about the value of relationships?  Done right, they become an asset to your VO business.  Done wrong, the struggle becomes even harder.

I try to be nice, helpful, and considerate of others.  I think that works in my favor.  I know of other hard-working, talented voice-actors who seem to have barbs sticking out of them.  They’re successful in their own right, but it’s IN SPITE OF their prickliness, not BECAUSE of it.

Newsrooms, too, can be full of hard-driving, competitive, self-centered people.  Live and let live, but don’t get trampled on either.   A fine line, but one you have to draw.

Name one VO job that hasn’t involved a relationship.  Want more VO jobs?  Get good at (people) relationships!




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Dave Courvoisier releases a new edition of his popular book More Than Just a Voice, The REAL Secret to Voiceover Success. This new book has all new content, a full six years in the making!


My Second book is available now!

Dave Courvoisier releases a new edition of his popular book More Than Just a Voice, The REAL Secret to Voiceover Success. This new book has all new content, a full six years in the making!

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