‘Back Tuesday Evening, but…

by | Aug 7, 2017 | More Than Just a Voice, VO Business

‘On the road with my wife for an extended weekend, but here’s something to chew on:

Self-publishing my book “More Than Just a Voice, the Real Secret to Voiceover Success” in paperback, then Kindle, then on Audible… was a lot of work, and expense.  Maybe by now — a couple of years later — I’ve broken even.  Maybe.  

No regrets, though… and here’s the thing:  I’ve been researching how to more inexpensively distribute an update to the printed and narrated version, and I think I’ll be able to do it right from here on my blog.

The Audiobook update will come first, then the printed version, probably via .pdf.

The fun thing about publishing is that you get the long tail of readers/listeners over time  That’s been a blessing in terms of learning what’s out there, what topics to write to, and how people are responding.

So tell me, would YOU be interested in a new edition to my book?  Printed or narrated?

Thanks, and ‘back to regular blogging for Wednesday.




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