What Are You Going To Do With It?

by | Mar 14, 2017 | Analysis

You know…. all that energy, knowledge, drive and relationship-building that you garnered when you walked out of the Atlanta Airport Marriott?  (those of you who didn’t go…substitute your inspiration from the last VO conference you went to) [those of you who have never attended a VO conference…well…it’s time to go]

WoVO member Rob Marley has come up with a lovely list of FIVE THINGS TO DO AFTER A VOICEOVER CONFERENCE, that hits the mark in so many ways. Thanks, Rob!

But…now that you have the spark to do something, and Rob’s 5 suggestions…NOW what are you going to do with it?

That’s the question that could easily be posed after studying with Marice Tobias, or spending time with business coach Celia Siegel, or being directed by Cliff Zellman or working on a brand new shiny demo with Uncle Roy Yokelson.  Now what are you going to do with it?

I come back to this question alla time…  one that is closely associated with the sage advice that insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results.

Well, NOW is your chance to change those results; to incorporate those new marketing techniques you learned from Doug Turkel, or those documentary narration tips you gleaned from Tom Pinto, or the audio recording expertise you soaked up from George Whittam.  

Will you actually realize the return to your business for investing in Gerald Griffith’s conference, by CHANGING the way you do things?  You can start with Rob’s list or the to-do list in your own head that you formulated on the flight/drive home.  You know what you need to do.

Now do it!!!

(or you can qualify as being insane — your choice)




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