It’s What I CAN Do.

by | Jun 7, 2016 | Ramblings/Off-Topic

boystown-logo2Monday I took a day off my usual TV job.  A “comp” day as it were.  …compensation for working Memorial Day.

But I didn’t really get the day off, ’cause I spent the time in a vision/planning retreat with the other members of the board of Boys Town Nevada.  Yes, the original Father Flanagan’s Boys Town (Spencer Tracy and Mickey Rooney movie) starting in 1917 is still alive and thriving.

The original campus in Omaha, Nebraska is the home office, but they now have satellite chapters in a number of other cities, including Las Vegas.  Lord knows, we need it here in Southern Nevada.  I’m a founding member of Boys Town Nevada.  Back in 1989, I did a series of live satellite reports from Omaha to convince Las Vegas viewers that this was a service our city needed.  Now — 25 years later — it is changing the lives of young people and families in Las Vegas.

It’s something I’m very proud of.  It’s what I CAN do. 

On the board, I’m a media specialist.  I help with PR, publicity, marketing, news coverage. As one of the more credible personalities for children’s issues in Las Vegas, I also MC for the organization’s annual gala.  It’s what I CAN do.  Am I good at fund-raising?  No.  Program development?  Huh-uh.  Governmental affairs?  Nope.

Once in a while, I’ll voice various appeals or video presentations for Boys Town, and I do so eagerly.  This organization changes lives.  It’s what I CAN do.

What are YOU doing?  What CAN you do for a worthy organization?  Sometimes, you realize the pro-bono work may be the most special and rewarding VO job of your year.




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