FREE: 100+ Royalty-Free Music Tracks

by | Feb 9, 2016 | Music

mixing desk

To this date, probably my most-read blog is:  50+ Royalty-Free Stock Music Sites.

It started out as just a list of trusted music download sites, but it grew…and Grew….and GREW.  Over the years I’ve added to it time and time again as various site owners noticed the traffic it was getting, and wanted to get on the list.

One of those owners has consistently kept in contact, and today is offering 100+ background music tracks absolutely free for unlimited use in all media.

He goes on to say that “…they are very high quality and have never been given out before.  These are all my own compositions and are royalty free. You can use them for free in unlimited media, across unlimited platforms, forever!…”

I’ll be honest, I have not listened to these tracks, but I trust the source.  Heck, if even half — 50– of them turn out to be any good…that’s still a great deal!  The only caveat is he asks you to credit his site with a back-link.

Here’s the URL:





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