Next #WoVOChat: Pay-to-Plays

by | Feb 23, 2015 | Subscription Services,, WoVOChat

flycastingGiven the high participation in almost any online discussion about online casting sites, we expect this week’s #WoVOChat to be a barn-burner!

In just the last week, a thread on the FaceBook Group that Terry Daniel and I administer (Voice-Over Pros)  has been going on and on.  The arc of such conversations follows such a predictable pattern that some veteran voice actors are loathe to even join-in anymore.  Last count:  181 comments on that thread alone.

What are we to make of P2P’s?  Should we assume they will always be with us now?…or are they a transition to something better?  Are they a boon to the VO marketplace, or dumbing it down?

Think and are the only two making an impact?  Check out this compendium of online casting sites compiled by Mahmoud Taji, and you’ll understand the extent of the impact of this new paradigm impact on the market.  His list has 273 entries.

There is no definitive answer, but the discussion has merit.  It has value for you as an individual voice-actor in deciding your worth and your place in the realm of VO jobs; and merit for the entire profession of voice-actors as we seek fair pay for our career investment.

This coming Wednesday, February 25th, 2015 at noon Pacific Time, World-Voices Organization is sponsoring a TweetChat on the topic of P2P’s.  Guests are J Michael Collins and Matt Cowlrick.  Both are Professional members in WoVO, and both are thoughtful contributors to the ongoing debate over the pros and cons of pay-to-play sites.  I’ll be hosting, along with our moderator Pamela Muldoon, WoVO’s content marketing/management consultlant.

Below is a list of 10 questions that will outline our hour-long discussion that day.

As usual, any and all voice talent are welcome to participate by keying off the hashtag @wovochat in your favorite Twitter program.  Many of us have found and to be useful interfaces to follow the conversation as well as offering your own thoughts.

Please join into the chat…it’s fun, fast-moving, and revealing.  We only ask that you come with a civil and open mind.  Leave the “tude” behind.

See ya there!



1) How are P2P’s GOOD for the VoiceOver Marketplace?

2) How are P2P’s BAD for the VoiceOver Marketplace?

3) Are P2P’s taking over territory that agents traditionally held? 

4)   You design the perfect P2P. What would it look like?

5) What is the best way to make money consistently on the P2P’s?

6)   Are P2P’s merely a stepping stone to some other marketplace    
         paradigm that is emerging? 

7)   Are P2P sites good or evil?

8)  What are some of the problems with having a listed rate card?

9.) What are the things everyone needs to succeed in online casting?

10) What can talent do to foster a better P2P marketplace?



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