Source-Connect NOW….Free?

by | Apr 16, 2014 | ipDTL, ISDN, Source-Connect

competitionNo other question dominates discussions about the recent spate of ISDN-replacement technologies:  How much will it cost?

Kevin Leach at ipDTL has tinkered with his subscription fee a little since the first release.  SoundStreak offered their service at no cost for the longest time.  Now that it’s out of Beta, it’s STILL free for talent…but costs for producers.

But Source-Connect has been either purposely coy about their pricing model for “NOW”, or still reading their marketplace barometer to determine the best competitive position.

When I interviewed Source-Element’s Rebekah Wilson at NAB, I pointedly asked about the price point for NOW, and the answer was “…wonderfully, amazingly affordable…”  Encouraging, but inconclusive.

Yesterday, in an email exchange with Wilson, she authorized me to relay the following intriguing statement:

“…we at Source Elements feel honoured to have been supported by the community for the last 10 years. This has enabled us to become the preeminent alternative to ISDN and be instrumental in creating the market for ISDN alternatives in the first place. To thank the community that made this possible we’re considering making a professionally-useful version of Source-Connect Now free.

Barring any major revelations we intend to announce this officially in the next one to two weeks and would love to hear you and your reader’s thoughts on this…”

There you go.  That seems to me to be a rather remarkable statement, and if true…could really heighten the competitive position of everyone contending in this space.

Wilson is openly asking for your comments and reaction.

What say you?




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