Seminar Excerpt: CourVOisier on Social Media

by | Mar 25, 2014 | Social Media/Networking, Training/Education, VO Education

deweesEverybody’s favorite voice over business coach, and prolific YouTube trainer — Bill DeWees — is finally getting out ‘n’ about.

Bill and I are both introverts.  Seriously.   And besides being uncomfortable in the limelight, Bill is just always working.  The guy is busy because he lives what he preaches, and that means he’s not hurting for clients (most of the time).

But lately, Bill is showing a willingness to mix it up with his sisters and brothers in the VO community.  He was a guest at the Midwest VO conference just last week, and back in February, he hosted a weekend workshop in Las Vegas.  Bill invited me to come to that workshop for an hour and talk about social media, and what it can do for a voice-actor’s business.

DeWees had all the presentations recorded on video, and he’s just now releasing them.  When Bill posts those links, I’ll make sure you know about ’em.  In the meantime, here’s an excerpt from my presentation on Social Media etiquette, and how starting a conversation on Social Media can lead to voice-over jobs.

Don’t believe I’m an introvert?  Watch how fast I’m talking in this presentation — a sure sign I’m nervous in front of a live audience.  When I’m on camera, the audience is NOT  looking back at me.

Dave Courvoisier




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