My Civic Duty

by | Mar 10, 2014 | Ramblings/Off-Topic

jury‘Used to be all I had to do was tell the harpies at District Court that I was a working member of the local news media, and I’d get a pass on jury duty.  Not any more.

So today — after a full night’s sleep of 3 hours — I’ll report downtown at the Regional Justice Center in Las Vegas at 7:30am to complete my obligations as a US citizen.  I could go to bed earlier, but I won’t fall asleep…so they will get a half-asleep juror.  Gee, I hope it’s not an important case to anyone.  ;-}

That means while you’re reading this, I’m sitting in a room full of my fellow prospective jurors with a smartphone or a tablet computer or a book trying to pass the time till I get called up or sent home.

Please take note below of some housekeeping items for this blog, and at the bottom, a great infographic I’d like to share with you about social media.

FIRST.  I’m aware the “feed” for this blog has been disrupted.  I’ve rec’d many nice letters from people who are frustrated they’re not getting my daily blog in their email.  If you subscribed by email, or are taking the RSS feed from my blog, please know that a disruption of the feed was a necessary downside of my website refurbishing, and that I’m working feverishly with my WordPress consultant to complete a new solution.  It will happen this week, and you will get an email or read about it here.

SECOND.  World-Voices Organization is rallying to host its first conference this year.  You must be a member to attend.   Membership requires a one-time $25 application fee, and a yearly $49 membership fee.  Register as a member, and for WoVOCon at:  The date of the event is May 2-4, 2014 in Las Vegas.  We already have some 20+ members committed, and this is gonna be fun!

THIRD. You will not want to miss this blog tomorrow!  I’m posting information from a guest blogger who is one of THE TOP voice-over coaches/producers/directors in the United States.  She is sharing invaluable information about what you should be looking for when you are seeking voice-talent coaching.

FOURTH. ‘Said it before, and will say it again:  Social Media is not a passing trend.  It is free marketing, and any one can jump on board at any time.  Click on THIS LINK to see an uncomplicated infographic that makes a few important points with which I absolutely concur.




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