Social Media Moderation

by | Dec 17, 2013 | Uncategorized

BLOGDerek Chappell is my friend in frustration.  We’re both successful in our first chosen field of endeavour (he an attorney, me a TV newscaster), and both of us are dying to shed those titles in favor of full-time voice-acting.

Derek and I share a lot of interests, too, chief among them: social media as a means of marketing.

Yesterday, Derek’s Blog featured the guest-blogging talents of John Lano — another voice-actor with a proclivity for new media.  John has been gathering some advice and tales of experience from me and others to write an article about social media administration and online etiquette.  Naturally, I was honored to do so.  But I’ve never considered myself an expert, only a dedicated student of social media.

I’ve never been self-conscious about referring my blog readers to other blogging or voice-over resources.  I’m here to tell you that John’s article is well worth the time it takes to read it.

In that spirit, then, please feel free to visit Derek’s blog to read John’s blog about what rules of thumb govern acceptable social  media behavior.  It’s a fine compilation, with the thoughts of Bob Bergen, and Paul Strikwerda among others. Part two will follow.




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