IP DTL From the Inside

by | Dec 6, 2013 | ISDN

posybrewerPosy Brewer is a delightful, hard-working, and talented voice actor in the UK whom I keep running into online and at VO conferences.  Brewer, like me, has ISDN and Source-Connect, but is keeping her eye out for “the next big thing” in the area of hi-fidelity remote recording.

Rachael Naylor’s blog brought ipdtl to light for many in the VO community.  It was subsequently picked-up and plastered all over social media by Dan Hurst and others… and the word got around quickly.

Recently, though, Posy had the chance to do a live test session with the folks at In:Quality, evaluating their innovative new ipdtl service – which they are promoting as a sensible alternative to ISDN.  In:Quality is also a UK concern, so while Posy had them on the line during a test, she took the initiative to do a quick interview with the founder and creator, Kevin Leach.

She wrote a very informative blog about the entire encounter, complete with links and lots of comparisons to possible ISDN alternatives.  If this is of interest to you, you really should take a look at her blog and listen to the SoundCloud interview she did with Leach.  Explains a lot!

Posy Brewer: IP DTL, Interview and Test!

Nice work, Posy!




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