Spiteful Spam Filters

by | Nov 21, 2013 | Business-end-of-things

spamThis blog is gonna sound like someone reminding you to wear your seat belt, brush your teeth, and plug in your charger.  ‘All things we take for granted.

Yesterday, I checked my email’s spam filter folder for the first time in — months?…and found two job offers.  What have I been missing?

Among the supposedly unwanted, automatically diverted emails were:  notices I should’ve seen, personal emails from friends, and offers that I certainly would want to consider.

Most email programs are pretty sophisticated.  Outlook, Thunderbird, Gmail, etc. The refinement of the settings on these programs are amazing.  I use Zoho mail to handle my main CourVO.com email, and like the other programs I just mentioned, it’s highly configurable.  I can white-list addresses I want to make sure get through, black-list those I don’t want to be seen, and automatically shuttle regularly repeating mail from predictable sources to certain folders.

Now I’m finding out (rough estimate) it’s right 80% of the time.  Maybe.

Can you afford to miss the other 20% sight-unseen?

I can’t.

As much as I sometimes hate the drudgery of traipsing through email every day, this is how I’ve set up my business.  It’s email-centric.  Email is SO important to my marketing, communications, and daily t0-do’s that can’t afford for any part of that process to be deficient.  So now I have an added another daily duty to make absolutely sure the system works.  It’s gonna amount to what?…an extra five minutes every day?

Worth it.

Worth it for the $1,000+ job I just found.





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