Passwords are Passé

by | Nov 23, 2012 | Web/Tech

Like most of you, I use the same password too often on too many sites.

I DO take care to use complicated passwords (combination of upper/lower case, numbers, symbols, and long strings) for my crucially important sites such as financial information.

Luckily I have an almost RainMan-like ability to remember these strings (on the flip side, I’m the world’s WORST at remembering names!).  For all my social networking accounts, and anything else that requires a password, I have 6 or 7 pat password strings that I rotate from time to time, and every once in a while, I’ll introduce a new one.  I change these randomly.

I thought that was pretty good.

It’s not.

This month’s WIRED MAGAZINE article : Kill the Password: Why a String of Characters Can’t Protect Us Anymore has upset my veil of security.

I suggest you take the time to read this excellent article right now.  It should scare you.  It did me.

Luckily, it comes with some common-sense ideas for making things tougher for the bad guys, although, in general, it makes a great case for getting rid of the paradigm of password-use altogether.

Have a great weekend!




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