September Cometh

by | Aug 10, 2012 | VO Business

For whatever reason, the last two Septembers were busy times of VO community-building for me.

September 2010, I launched National VoiceOver Appreciation Day.  The site is still up:

September 2011, I upped the ante a little, and built an interactive site with sponsors, and prizes, and lots of participation called VOAToday.  That site is still extant too:

I caught a little flak for both ventures…but that was an extremely small and vocal minority.  Overall — especially for VOAToday — the participation was very encouraging, and hey, people won prizes!

Now, here we are approaching September 2012, and frankly, I’d like to know if you would be interested in my launching VOAToday again, with fresh content, sponsors, prizes, and involvement.

Are you up for it?

The process would cost me in dollars and time, but — as you know — I love this stuff, and enjoy the flow of information and relationships that result.

Please comment below, and let me know, as decision time is upon me, and time is slipping away (isn’t it always?)




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