
by | Jun 29, 2012 | FaffCon

Never doubt that our business has come of age in the new millenia.


So much is available in terms of networking, relationship-building, and learning/coaching.

VOICE2012 is barely over, and FaffCon5 is launching it’s enrollment Saturday.  This 5th iteration of the fabulous VO confab, and will take place in Charlotte, NC, Oct 12-14, 2012.

The ONLY Voice Over UNconference is an event not to be missed.  Founder and chief Faffer Amy Snively sees to it that your experience there will be nothing less than a revelation and a cornucopia of knowledge nuggets, friendships, and poignant memories.  Go to the website now and look around.  Time to plan your Autumn UNconference!

While I’m at it, let me just mention that other presentations abound right now, Tom Dheere, Dan Lenard, Rudy Gaskins, Deb Munro, Pat Fraley, Bettye Zoller, and others are offering events, webinars, weekends, coaching sessions, and more.  None are quite as strong in community-building as FaffCon, but there’s no shortage of possibilities.

Waytago Amy!  I know this will be another memorable event!




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