A VO’s Place on Pinterest

by | Jun 26, 2012 | Social Media/Networking

Interested in Pinterest?…you’re not alone.

Pinterest is 3rd in Social Media usage only after FaceBook and Twitter.  Its growth factor supersedes both those social networks when THEY were hot.  And if you’re like most people and you’re confused by Twitter, and for some inane reason eschew LinkedIn (my fave), then there’s Pinterest.

People describe it as addictive.  Women especially are enamored of this site, and the population of Pinterest is overwhelmingly female.  My wife is a non-technofile.  I keep having to explain to her how to attach a photo to an email…but she’s glued to Pinterest.


Pinterest is engaging for all the reasons you like social media in other forms.
1) You follow people, they follow you.
2) Your posts are seen by others, and commented on by others and vice-versa,
3) You can re-pin stuff you like as you would retweet.
4) You can create groups or “boards” to categorize your interests.
5) Posting (pinning) stuff is easy-peasy with the bookmarklet.

That’s all great, Dave, but how can I leverage the strengths of Pinterest for my VO business?

I’ve been wrestling with this one too.  First, though, let’s lay out some basic reminders about your presence on social networks in general:
1)  Your presence on any network heightens your online profile in general (some would call it SEO, but it’s really SEM, search engine MARKETING).
2)  A social network profile — when filled out in full — extends your brand on popular sites where it will be seen.
3)  Interaction between sites…configured correctly (not overdone), exponentially grows your presence online.  This is becoming more and more possible with links to the top social network sites on virtually everywhere you go on the web.

Matching Pinterest strengths to the above three points, let your creative marketing juices flow:
1)  Pin links to your brand, your logo, your website, or recent work.
2)  Use your logo or branding materials to flesh-out your profile to its fullest.
3)  Got videos you’ve narrated?  Post a pic with the link.
4)  Just narrated an audiobook?  With the publisher’s permission, post a pic of the cover, and a link to the publisher.  This is especially valuable if you’re promoting a royalty-share book.
5)  Any visual materials at all…including pics from, say, VOICE2012 or FaffCon are fair game, and include a link to your demo site.
6) Comment on any pins where you can contribute advice of a VO sort.

There are innumerable sites offering Pinterest insights.  Here are a few:

Is Pinterest the Right Place for My Business?

8 Strategies for Launching a Brand Presence on Pinterest

Pinterest:  Everything you need to know

4 Ways to Make Pinterest Work for Your Business

HubSpot Downloadable .pdf E-Book: How to Use Pinterest for Business




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