Another “Take”

by | Mar 9, 2012 | Equipment, Home studio

On the whole, we voice actors seem unnecessarily obsessed with obtaining that perfect “on-the-road” mobile recording experience.

How many of us actually NEED that?   Naw, forget that question.  I understand being prepared, and I’ve got my methods…my portable unit.  I pay attention to what Dan Lenard — The Home Studio Master — says on EWABS.

No matter how hard you try, you still can’t match the fullness of your home studio, it seems…but we keep trying, don’t we?

Well, here’s an interesting perspective from a whole different professional standpoint.

I stumbled across the article below from the Knight Digital Media Center…which is a journalism resource…and the author comes awake to the question of  dealing with ambient room noise when he’s reporting in remote locations.

I smiled inside when I realized THEY HAVE NO CLUE how other professionals are dealing with this very issue in great depth…and yet their improvised solution is not all that far off an appropriate answer.

There may be hope for journalists after all!

Read:  Reduce Ambient Noise When Recording in Home Studios




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