Keeping Good Company

by | Dec 21, 2011 | VO Community

Tuesday, the results of an impromptu survey came out.

Steven Lowell of Voice123 asked who are the most influential VO writers of 2011?  Which writers are those who influence others into action?  Intentionally.

Yes, I made the list, and I thank you if you were one of those who chimed-in and mentioned my name.

More important, though, are the names of my colleagues on the list:  Paul Strikwerda, Bob Souer, Peter O’Connell, Randye Kaye, Doug Turkel, Terry Daniel, Dan Friedman, Connie Terwilliger, Maxine Dunn, Ed Victor, Derek Chappell, J.S. Gilbert, and Steven Lowell himself.

I couldn’t imagine being in better company. I’ve actually met ALL those people in person (with the exception of Ed Victor), and know them to be as genuine as they appear to be in their blogs.
#1 rule of blogging:  be authentic

Moreover, all of those who were mentioned are hard working, disciplined voice actors.
#2 rule of blogging:  be consistent

On top of that, every blogger mentioned in the survey are dedicated, and passionate.
#3 rule of blogging: be engaging

Finally, my peers on this list are smart, curious, savvy, and maybe a little restless.
#4 rule of blogging:  content, content, content

Of course, there’s more that goes into being an influential VO writer than blogging.  There are tweets, and FaceBook posts, and email threads, and VO forums, and articles on VoiceOverXtra…but blogging is base 1.

So thanks Paul for tweaking us, and Doug for being sensible, and Bob for being a rock, and Terry for teaching us, and Peter for opening our eyes, and Randye for making it clear, and Dan for stating the facts, and Connie for your sensitivity, and Maxine for your business savvy, and Ed for wacking the nest, and Derek for pushing the envelope, and JS for keeping it honest, and Steven for your consistency.

Of course, there are others — many more, in fact, who contribute on the various online platforms, but I salute these peers.  I learn from you, and I’m challenged by you.  I feel a kindred spirit, and have never felt more at home in my work than at any time in my life.







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