Sharing…or Show-off?

by | Oct 23, 2009 | Social/Professional Networking

Revisiting an earlier blog about “status posting”,  I’d appreciate your reaction, please, to any or all of the following real-life examples of voice-over Tweets (sorry for the poor image quality):

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[I declare that voiceove gigs are about to overflow my inbox!]

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[voiceover audition for a commercial AND an on-camera audition for a commercial.  WhooHoo! This is how I want every day to be]

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[did some voiceover work @ Handle Like Eggs today, now off to acting class, then prepping for a big audition tomorrow, BDay countdown]

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[It’s a good weekend for voice acting.  I got cast in four productions! (!) Already got the scripts for three of them]

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[working on sevral multi-lingual voice over projects]

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[I should get a voice over emmy im so amazing]

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[I’m going to be making a lot of money in NY as a voice actor]

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[At 8Am I narrated a job for Disney, now I’m about to do a voiceover telling people to get a flu shot.  I love my job.]

respectfully submitted,




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