voice actiing

The Leap

Ever make a life-changing decision? One that is bittersweet, scary, and irreversible? Good. Tell me if you survived.

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Don’t Make This Freelance Mistake

What is it?...the 18th already? I've said before, I hate January... and the dearth of decent jobs this month is downright depressing to me.  [this may not be your reality at all in January.  If so, Bravo!...but read on, 'cause maybe April will be a down month?] A friend reminded me, "...when...

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The Freelance VO Hat I Most Dislike Wearing

Accountant. It's not that I'm bad with numbers, or that I'm not disciplined.  I've just never been indoctrinated into the routines or structure of proper bookkeeping. I have a trusted financial planner for my investments.  I have a CPA to watch my taxes and monitor my Nevada-based business...

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How Others See Us

We THINK we know what the client wants. We BELIEVE clients see us the way we want to be perceived. We do our homework, attend conferences, get coaching, listen to webinars, take branding seriously, and talk to our peers in online forums.  The sum total of our diligence positions us for what we...

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Plant Your Flag

Tuesday, I spent an hour of my valuable time speaking to a 70-ish group of mostly Jewish women about Journalism and TV news. It was one of the many public appearances I make on behalf of the TV station every month. They had good questions about ratings, and stories, and coverage, and politics, and...

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The Search for ISDN’s Successor

Broadband. ISDN's legacy technology will go away...eventually. Lord knows how much longer the big TelCos will continue to support it. Smart producers, voice actors, audio engineers, and others associated with the business of voice overs are searching RIGHT NOW for the next best thing.  It's pretty...

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Soldiering On

Luckily it happened AFTER my holiday vacation. The common cold. Like most of you, it began with that "uh-oh" feeling you get, when alla sudden it hurts to swallow.  My wife -- the RN -- saw the white spots on my tonsils and diagnosed STREP!   One of my daughters in the house had come down with it...

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Dave’s Fave ToDo-List Solution

Many of you know that I'm a huge apostle of digital solutions to anything and everything. I strive for paperless in all I do. What you may not know, is that long ago...and still today, I'm was/am a HUGE pen 'n' paper freak.  Maybe it's from the legacy my grandfather left me.  He was a Swiss poster...

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Passwords are Passé

Passwords are Passé

Like most of you, I use the same password too often on too many sites. I DO take care to use complicated passwords (combination of upper/lower case, numbers, symbols, and long strings) for my crucially important sites such as financial information. Luckily I have an almost RainMan-like ability to...

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Awesome Pre-Thanksgiving Tune-Up

Awesome Pre-Thanksgiving Tune-Up

There's a fine line between passing along great opportunities and endlessly shilling for eager enterprises. I hope you know, I really try to keep my blog largely free of shameless promotions...opting instead for useful information.  In today's case, I hit both marks...and do so gladly. Why? ...

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