VO coach

Qualified to be a VO Coach?

The estimate that only 5% of voice actors are truly supporting themselves and their families with strictly voiceover work is probably close to correct. (remember, 47.93% of all numbers quoted online are made-up). Whatever the number (almost impossible to discern), it’s disappointingly low.  The...

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Audition Head Trips

Audition Head Trips

THE POSER Most foundational psychological theory holds that we present to the world the person we want people to see.  Apparently as young humans, the world seems too daunting for most of us, and we learn early on to construct a facsimile of ourselves (with a few unique modifications) through...

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It just seemed appropriate that I would FINALLY crunch some numbers on the Voice Over Awareness Today (VOAT) contributions from September, on this, our national election day. Many of you participated, and if you haven't perused all the meaty answers from the four weeks of shared knowledge, maybe...

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Like Driving Off a Cliff…

...when you get to the end of your spoken sentence....without enough steam Obvious?  Apparently not, 'cause we've all done an injustice to it.  C'mon...admit it. Nancy Wolfson's 11th video tip in a straight series of 13 weeekly video ckips seen here on the old blogeroo makes it clear:  Support the...

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The Moody Clues

The Moody Clues

Time for the latest installment in a weeks-long killer series of instructional VO videos from SuperStar voice acting coach and producer Nancy Wolfson. ...and once again, I find myself reaching into Rock 'n' Roll prehistory for a catchy title.  (Remember the Moody Blues?)  Uh...never mind.  The...

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